Monday, November 15, 2010

11th,Strategic Organisation in Practice

I enjoyed the visit to the University of Pretoria’s Library Services and National Library of South Africa. It is very important to know where you are and where you intend to go, so strategies are used as living documents. However management should get their staff members involved in the crafting of this important document. Because at the end the staff should action the documented DREAM. The National library of South Africa is well positioned locally and internationally. NLSA plays a very unique role of preserving the South African literature, and digitizing rare and special material. What fascinated me is the fact that the community as the clients of NLSA are well catered and catered for, through access to Information Technology, books, study space etc. and I have recognized how the NLSA staff is knowledgeable, skilled and talented to a point where I would say these man and women are expects in what they do. The question is, is their management aware of this talent or even so are these people self aware of their strength and is their knowledge well managed for future and young librarians?

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