Monday, November 15, 2010

7th, HBDI Personal and group profiling and CAMPBELL Leadership descriptor Tool

I have enjoyed the journey to self discovery with Prof. Ann, de Boer. This has given me an understanding of why I do things different from others and that there is nothing wrong with that, And that I should always remember to accommodate others and communicate and engage with them in a way that will make sense to them as a leader. Our differences does not make us any lesser or greater, it simply means we are unique and special in our own way.

Reflecting on exercises of learning about self from Campbell leadership descriptor tool, it helped me to discover my areas of development and how I should draw self plan on how to practically work on these areas systematically. I was also able to indentify my strength and how to sustain these areas. It was also interesting to discover that the is no perfect leader and that we need to complement each other, because even bad leaders are excelled in other areas. Lastly I have learned that self retrospective is crucially important increasing ones self knowledge and emotional intelligence. What was interesting is that as much as work is important having FUN (personal energy) is equally important and necessary.

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