Monday, November 15, 2010

6th, WEB 2.0 Technology in the workplace

I have realized how fellow librarians are concerned about keep track of new technological trends, that is, web 2.0. They take time and efforts to and explore these tools in order to develop other. These colleagues also took time to analyse, their daily duties and investigated how these tools can change and improve the way they work. For example Johan van Wyk and Antoinette Lourens presented a clear distinction among web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. And how we could practically apply to our works situation. And this is something that they have tried and tested so we could their blogs and wikis as reference. I was also impressed with the way they prepared their training program.

  • My intention is to critically analyse the content of my existing Blogs, i.e. MPhil entrepreneurship and EMPS.
  • I am going to embark into marketing my blogs to the targeted clientele.
  • I am going to encourage and train the web 2.0/ 3.0 tools other information specialist in the EMS faculty library.
  • I will frequently visit and post on my Blogs
    To reinforce my management and leadership skills
  • I am going to be involved in the management performance systems as tool that will manage talent in EMS faculty library.
  • Since I am passionate about coaching and mentorship I am going to develop and structure my programs.
  • I am going to draw a personal goal plan and manage my career development.

Reflecting on exercises from Campbell leadership descriptor tool, it helped me to discover my areas of development and how I should draw self goal plan on how to practically work on these areas systematically. I was also able to indentify my strength and how to sustain these areas. It was also interesting to discover that the is no perfect leader and that we need to complement each other, because even bad leaders excelled in other areas. Lastly I have learned that self retrospective is crucially important increasing ones self knowledge and emotional intelligence. What was interesting is that as much as work is important having FUN (personal energy) is equally important and necessary.

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