Monday, November 15, 2010

8th, South African LIS context. Group Dynamics Simulation Games

the National library is the foundation of other library so its leadership should be strategically and carefully appointed. Library Information Associations South Africa’s humble beginnings, challenges, achievements and structures and management.

The president of LIASA Naomi Haasbroek unpacked the vision and mission of LIASA and its role in the South Africa in the 21st century. Since LIASA’s inception in 1997 the objective was to unify librarians from all different spheres to speak in one voice, this is still relevant today. Librarians should support and nurture their profession especially because there is a decline of the profession and shortage of qualified librarians. Therefore it is important that each and every librarian should begin to answer the following question:
what are you doing to the profession?

Rene Schoombee what a passionate and innovative librarian. She is living the act of advocacy by educating the community which is the essentials of information society. According to Rene no circumstances, resources and lack of rewards should stop us from becoming true library advocates. By doing so we will be living for a purpose and that is more fulfilling than any reward, and door will open in an amazing ways.

It is very clear that librarianship is evolving. If we stay where we are surrounded by books, we will definitely face out as a profession. We have to go out there and find the future products and find clients because neither the products nor the clients are in the library.

PAMOJA, Learning through play, without realising we have acquired the importance of roles of positions. Knowing and understanding the purpose, policies and procedures that govern your industry is important. Negotiation skills, communication skills, value system and the culture of ones organization because we remain ambassadors’ of our organizations so we must represent our organizations with pride and dignity.

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