Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 1, 5th November 2010

I was missing my kids already, the fact that the Leadership program commenced on a Friday made it worse. I thought we were going to settle down and then the program will unfold the following day oh boy was I mistaken.


  • I would like to learn new practical ways that I could apply to my everyday job, ways that will help me to work efficiently and effectively.
  • I would also want to reflect to my management and leadership style, with the intention of developing where necessary.

This is because:

From January 2010 my tasks were to manage the EMS library. I had to administer and review library programs, look into policies, procedures and resolving issues regarding library operations and staff. I had to work very closely with the office that looks into the library quality surveys and audits to identify library issues and customers’ needs, and plan for responding to the identified needs.

I managed staff responsible for function of a library. Make sure that the staff is well trained to perform their job e.g. shelving, researching, and preservation etc.

I motivate, develop and direct EMS library staff as they work. I had to identify the best people for the job. As well as identifying problems and review related information and evaluate options and implement solutions

I am also responsible for Business Management Department, which is also regarded to be the best in South Africa especially in their MPHIL and DPHIL in ENTREPRENEURSHIP programs. The lecturers are very busy and they expect their student to produce colloquiums, dissertations and thesis of high standard. To support these students one need to be well equipped around research techniques, marketing, integrating web 2.0 tools and negotiation.

I have also taken a role of mentoring junior information specialist in the EMS faculty library. For me this is crucially important as it takes time to master the art of becoming a refined information specialist whose responsibilities are to adapt within the ever changing information environment and to develop training programs that will meet this dynamic environment. For example more and more as information specialist we are faced with the e-teaching and learning dynamics so our training programs should be designed in such a way that it integrates with the curriculum and it also demonstrate the objectives/outcomes of your training program.

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