Thursday, November 25, 2010

12th, Knowledge Management, Web 2.0. social media and other tools

Knowledge management is critical to South African organisations as is to international organisations, organization should invest in facilitating and managing innovation and
organizational learning. Organisations should aim at leveraging the expertise of people across the organization. Managing business environments and allowing employees to obtain relevant ideas appropriate to their work solving problems. Managing intellectual capital and intellectual assets in the workforce such as the know-how possessed by key individuals. The government should begin increasing network connectivity. Rewards can be used as motivation for knowledge sharing.
Storytelling could also use as a method of transferring tacit knowledge. Communities of practice, best practice, competence management and coaching, mentoring relationships should be encouraged. Bjarke Gotfredsen demonstrated how Web 2.0 tools that are (wikis, social bookmarking, blogs, etc.) can be used to better incorporate knowledge management in companies.

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